“Because I don’t want her called Lucy, that’s why.”  And so my mother won the argument and I was named Cynthia, not Lucinda which was my dad’s choice.  I kind of wished that Dad had won because while there were two other Cynthia’s in my fourth grade class; the only Lucinda I ever knew was a glamorous Rockette who spent her summers at the cottage down the lake; she had long blonde hair and I adored her.

But Cynthia I was.  Or Cindy.  It depended on the year.  Or the teacher.  I have switched back and forth several times.  Most recently I demanded Cynthia when hired by Trinity Church.  Bigger church, bigger name, I figured.

Name change is more than fanciful.  People in the bible change their names when they meet God.  Abram becomes Abraham.  Jacob becomes Israel.  Saul becomes Paul.  And so today, as the Spirit Story web site is launched Cynthia becomes Cindy.  It’s the name God has been whispering in my ear.  It’s a way to remember the little girl I was is still beloved within.  It’s a welcoming home of those who knew me long ago meeting those who are first clicking on to this site.

God knows your name.  It is precious on the lips of Jesus.  The Holy Spirit shall bless you by name.  Tip your face to heaven and receive the blessing of the one who knows you – all your names – all your faults – all your gifts … and loves you truly.