Posts tagged with ‘bible’

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Codependency is not a Christian virtue

by Cindy Maybeck

What does it mean to be Christian?  We teach our children that it means being nice, being kind, and that’s a good place to begin.  But I worry when adults take that childhood teaching about nice Christianity and use it to enable others.  Codependency is not a Christian virtue. When I have preached on Jesus’ […]

Real Demons

by Cindy Maybeck

Seven sons of Sceva, charlatons of the first century in Palestine, put on healing shows. (See Acts 19:11-20)  Yes, snake oil salesmen and magicians fool generations in every century.  But a fascinating detail in the biblical story claims that the demon recognizes the powerful name of Jesus but does not know the clowns who invoke […]

A New Name

by Cindy Maybeck

“Because I don’t want her called Lucy, that’s why.”  And so my mother won the argument and I was named Cynthia, not Lucinda which was my dad’s choice.  I kind of wished that Dad had won because while there were two other Cynthia’s in my fourth grade class; the only Lucinda I ever knew was […]