Posts tagged with ‘Story’

4 Items

A Story and Candlelight

by Cindy Maybeck

St. Anne’s church was packed with people on Wednesday evening. The funeral home invited them; all the families who had suffered a death this year. There was a priest and an AME Zion church pastor and me, all leading worship together. I told the story about Emma’s gift. There is a part of the story […]

Stories awaken the sleepy

by Cindy Maybeck

Rainbow Grace: Stories of Hope and Triumph, this collection comprised my latest presentation of stories.  To my delight I was invited to premiere this production at the banquet of the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists in celebration of their 20th anniversary.  There was music, photography of fabulous looking couples, a lucious dinner and dessert.  […]

Well wishing songs

by Cindy Maybeck

At the Bull Feeney pub in Portland, I heard Kate Chadbourne tell stories, sing songs, play the Irish harp.  The evening was magical and the room was lit with love.  Kate has written 40 well wishes in the last year.  She has set up a web site on which people may request a well […]

A New Name

by Cindy Maybeck

“Because I don’t want her called Lucy, that’s why.”  And so my mother won the argument and I was named Cynthia, not Lucinda which was my dad’s choice.  I kind of wished that Dad had won because while there were two other Cynthia’s in my fourth grade class; the only Lucinda I ever knew was […]