Posts tagged with ‘God’

5 Items

Autumn Glory

by Cindy Maybeck

A chill in the air nips my nose, the leaves shimmer yellow, gold and crimson against a grey sky, a faint whiff of woodsmoke hovers near.  Autumn, my favorite season, always surprises me with its colorful trees, cool nights, and shortening days.  Since childhood, I have associated autumn with new beginnings: new school shoes, a […]

When Healing is not Curing

by Cindy Maybeck

The cancer had lingered so long.  We had prayed for healing, but the cancer recurred.  We prayed for healing.  Hospice was called in.  We prayed for God to be present and for healing.  Family members said these words: I love you and Good-bye.  We prayed for healing.  And light filled the room, the struggling breath […]

Memory-impaired Prayer

by Cindy Maybeck

Dave’s mother-in-law has Alzheimer’s Disease.  Her short-term memory is long gone.  Her husband was admitted to the hospital but she forgot.  She came into the kitchen unsteady on her walker: Where’s Paul?  “He went to the hospital and will be there overnight, but he’ll be back home tomorrow.”  Oh, OK. Twenty minutes later she came […]

Drugs or Prayer?

by Cindy Maybeck

A recent article in The New Yorker reports on scientific studies of psychedelic drugs.  In “The Trip Treatment,” Michael Pollan interviews both psychologists and subjects to learn how hallucinogenics could be used to treat terminal cancer patients by easing their anxiety with drug-induced dreams of life beyond death.  The sense of well-being they experience while “tripping” on […]

Decorating the Dead

by Cindy Maybeck

I never understood the term Decoration Day until I moved to Worcester.  Folks in my church actually decorated their loved ones’ graves for Memorial Day.  Families consulted to see who would be responsible for which cemetery plots.  They planted geraniums or pansies or a pinwheel for a child.  A bunch of cut roses placed on […]