Posts tagged with ‘dance’

3 Items

Stained-Glass Dancing

by Cindy Maybeck

I preached at Hadwen Park Congregational Church on the first Sunday in April at Rev. Sarah Sund-Lussier’s ordination. She requested her favorite scripture, Jesus’ parable of the lost sheep.  The shepherd loses 1 out of 100, but searches until he finds the single lost lamb and rejoices when it is back in his arms, just […]

Dance like nobody’s watching

by Cindy Maybeck

Among all the bugs dancing, the very best one was the centipede.  Whenever the music started up, he began to boogie.  Until one day, the ant asked him, “Charlie, you have over 100 legs, how do you know which one to lift first?”  Just then, the music started up, but Charlie  hesitated.  He looked to […]

A Birthday Blessing

by Cindy Maybeck

I wanted birthday cake, well at least a birthday cupcake, which was not on the menu at the Sushi place where Elaine and I celebrated my birthday dinner.  So, we checked google maps for local bakeries which might be open on a snowy Wednesday evening and we found ourselves at Birch Tree Bread Company. An […]