The spiritual life is this simple: pay attention to life around you.  However, such spiritual focus is not without effort.  We are so easily distracted.  We multi-task.  We text, talk and travel.  We acheive, accomplish and aquire.  What will it take for you to pay attention to the world around you?  Did you see the brilliant indigo on the butterfly’s back wings?  Did you notice the pink edge of cloud just before sunset?  Did you catch the light of joy in the eyes of the child bicylcling by you?

Here is the truth, listen well.  The entire creation is working in your favor.  You are being nudged, beckoned and invited into the place of supreme joy and perfect peace.  And to the extent that we pay attention to the presence of God throughout the day, our spiritual relationship with God deepens, develops and dilates.  We open ourselves to see, hear and notice God’s presence.  And then we rejoice and give thanks for what we have seen, heard and known.  This rhythm of opening and rejoicing, opening and rejoicing, opening and rejoicing, sets the pattern for a spiritual life.

It’s as easy as opening our arms to the sky.  But it’s also as difficult as finding moments of quiet and solitude.  So persevere in your effort to pay attention to your life and to the world around you.  Pray that you might have eyes to see God’s beauty, ears to hear God’s calling, and a heart to know God’s presence of unconditional love.
